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Re-Think Your Drink!!!

You wouldn’t eat 20 packets of sugar, would you? Then why would you drink it? The average american adult is drinking 350 calories of sugar a day. That’s 20 teaspoons of sugar being consumed, equivalent to adding 1 pound of body fat every 10 days. I think if we really knew how much sugar we were consuming and giving our children, we would try to cut down or cut it all together. So how are all these drinks(specifically soda) effecting us ? Lets look at the chart to the below

  • Weight – drinking one soda a day is equivalent to drinking 39 pounds of sugar a year.
  • Brain – Effects our brains ability to produce the chemicals that help us retain information and memories
  • Kidneys – The acid in soda ,especially diet soda, has been linked to kidney stones 
  • Digestive System – The carbonate can cause gas, bloating, cramping etc.
  •  Bones – Soft drinks has been linked to osteoporosis and bone density loss.
  • Heart – Increased risk of heart attack.
  • Lungs – Increased risk of developing asthma or COPD.
  • Teeth – Drinking soda is almost as bad as drinking battery acid, which corodes the teeth.








Now maybe some of you are saying “Well, I’m not drinking all that sugar, I only drink diet beverages.”  Guess again! Diet beverages are even worse than their regular counterparts. So what’s in diet beverages? Instead of sugar, they are sweetened with artificial sweeteners like aspartame, cyclamate, saccharin, acesulfame-k or sucralose. These sweeteners (specifically aspartame) is known to cause lesions, tumors and the rise in obesity. If Aspartame causes all these health issues, why was it approved and why hasnt it been discontinued? Watch this 3 minute segment below for the answer.

For more info on effects of sugar and aspartame leave a comment below or email me.